Why Summer Tryouts?

Even though this is a change from what we’ve done in the past, there are numerous positives to moving to summer tryouts for our 16s-18s.

  • High school athletes won’t have the pressure of club tryouts during the prep season. This allows players to focus on their high school team and enjoy their experience
  • By solidifying our teams earlier, this helps our families by getting better hotels, better rates, and providing more time to set up calendars and prepare for travel events.
  • It also helps our administrative team to better serve our families by having more time to enter rosters, early registration for tournaments, order uniform packages, set up billing and more! This eliminates the short timeframe between fall tryouts and the start of tournament season. 

Can’t Attend Summer Tryouts?

If you are unable to attend the summer tryouts for 16s – 18s, please complete the Alternative Tryout Process Form. Athlete’s unable to attend tryouts will receive a 30 minute in-person evaluation. They will also have the opportunity to submit additional information through the form above. In addition to the 30 minute in-person evaluation, athletes are encouraged to attend the Elite ID Camp
Please contact Travis Fuller if you have any questions about this process.

FAQ about Summer Tryouts

Will 16s-18s coaches be assigned by summer tryouts?

Yes! We have a great coaching staff lined up that we will start announcing in early June. We will announce it on social media as well as our website. 

Will 16s-18s teams be 100% completed in the summer?

Our goal is to complete all 16s-18s teams at the summer tryout.

We will be offering supplemental tryouts in the fall for 16s-18s Elite and Regional teams. However, it is highly recommended you attend summer tryouts if you want the best chance of making an Elite or Regional team. 

If I tryout during the summer and don't make a team, can I come back in the fall to tryout again?

If you do not make a team in the summer (16s-18s), you can definitely come back in the fall and tryout again. If you choose to do this, you do not need to register again and pay for another tryout fee. We will reach out to those impacted by this after the summer tryout with more information. 

Trying out in the fall (16s-18s) does not guarantee that you will make a team. Fall tryouts will have a very limited amount of spots available. The only full team that we will be filling in the fall for 16s-18s will be our 16 Non-Travel teams. 

When do practices start?

Regardless of when you make a team (summer or fall), practices and training will start after the conclusion of the high school season. 

Since 16s-18s tryouts are now in the summer, when do payments start?

We will be offering a variety of payment options to best fit your needs. By having summer tryouts, this will allow families more time to pay dues and fees. 

Can I tryout at more than one Academy location? Ex. Grand Park, Boiler Juniors

Athletes can register for more than one location but please note that most of the summer tryout dates are at the same time. 

What if I can't attend the tryout dates? We will be out of town.
If you are unable to attend the summer tryouts for 16s – 18s, please complete the Alternative Tryout Process Form. Athlete’s unable to attend tryouts will receive a 30 minute in-person evaluation. They will also have the opportunity to submit additional information through the form above. In addition to the 30 minute in-person evaluation, athletes are encouraged to attend the Elite ID Camp
Please contact Travis Fuller if you have any questions about this process.

We understand that you still might have questions and we are here to help! Contact our office at 317-545-3880 or email Jack Lesure at jack@theacademyvolleyball.com